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If you’re planning to say I DO soon, you’re probably pinning lots of wedding ideas including your Grand Exit! To help with your decision,  we thought we would share the history and some modern ideas.

The tradition of throwing rice began with the ancient Romans, and is meant to wish fertility for the newlyweds. Originally, Romans threw wheat, but soon afterward, rice became a universal symbol for fertility. This tradition lessened when it was thought that rice was harmful to birds and would cause them to explode. Thankfully according to Snopes, the rumor was found to be false.  Although there is no danger to birds, many churches and other wedding venues, still have rules  prohibiting the throwing of rice because it is hard to clean up and can cause guests to slip.

In recent years, sparklers have become a very popular trend for a dramatic exit! Even though sparklers look great in pictures, many wedding venues are prohibiting them due to fire hazard.

Sparkler Send Off

Photo Credit: Twila’s Photography

If your venue doesn’t permit rice or sparklers or you just want something different than the norm, we thought we would share some of our favorite alternatives.  Tossing flower petals, bird seed, coarse glitter or biodegradable confetti looks great in pictures.

Flower Exit

Photo Credit: Rebecca Vaughan Photography

Confetti Exit

Photo Credit: Twila’s Photography

And we absolutely love bubbles and how sweet they look!

Bubble Send Off

Photo Credit: Tom Stanford

Regardless what you decide, remember to double-check with your venue to verify what can be used for your formal exit. It would be awful if you went to the trouble of buying extra-long sparklers only to arrive on your wedding day and be told they are prohibited on their property.

We would love to hear what you plan to use for your Grand Exit!?!





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