How Does It Work?
Here are answers by both lovely ladies:
Lynn: SITTN uses a revolutionary and proprietary preservation method that allows the flowers to be preserved in a matter of days versus months with other types of preservation. This helps the flowers keep their shape and color. We are trained designers and have techniques to “awaken” drooping blooms and revitalize colors. This means the client gets their encasement(s) back faster, e.g., months rather than a year.
June: I don’t really know a lot about how other companies work. I was a hang the flower upside down kind of girl, but the way the blend consumes the flowers making it a beautiful delicate dry version of its self is just amazing!
Don’t Wait!
Lynn wants all brides to know to not let preserving your flowers be a last-minute decision. It’s best to set up a meeting before your wedding to make the decisions, then once the flowers are delivered, they can preserve them and work on the encasement right away instead of waiting till you return from the honeymoon. This would help you get the arrangement back sooner.
Preserving your flowers after your big day is something you will not regret! You can continue to admire their beauty and memory for years and years after your wedding!