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Are you looking for a special gift to give to your spouse for your wedding or anniversary? Boudoir photos are a great option! It’s a fun and sexy way to show your spouse that you care and it can be a really fun and empowering process! Wilde Company offers gorgeous boudoir sessions that are perfect for any gift (or just for you!) There are many benefits of boudoir sessions and here are a few below!


    I LOVE showing people how beautiful they are. There are so many things that hold us back from seeing and feeling how stunning we really all are. From societal pressure, the ridiculous way we are all supposed to fit into standard clothing sizes (who else has felt their self esteem deflate in a dressing room??), body changes due to stress, having a baby, a change in your health or medication, I mean…the list goes on, right? We DESERVE to feel as beautiful as we really are. A boudoir session can help with breaking through all the bullshit and fostering love and admiration for your body and yourself! I know it can be nerve wracking before a session, and even feel like it’s going to be the opposite of this, but I promise you once you get in the groove of your session that will change. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard these things during or after a session: “Damn, I look good!”, “I was so nervous, but this was SO fun and empowering!”, “Holy what?? That’s me!” And guess what? It IS you! All you! I’m just there to take the photo 🙂


    We touched on this a bit above, but let’s dive in a bit more. Boudoir can be incredibly empowering. Even if you are booking with the intention of it being a sexy gift for your love, it’s also something you are doing for yourself. You are choosing to get sexy in front of another person that you may not know well, and in front of a camera, and own it. That takes some guts, and is powerful. YOU are powerful, and that’s part of how badass of a beauty you are. This feeling has the beautiful potential to bleed over into other areas of your life!


    No human is the same, and neither should your photos be! Boudoir sessions are an amazing way to find and express your individuality and what sort of style and energy makes YOU feel sexy! It’s a wonderful way to really show off who you are and what makes you feel good in your own skin. We always customize your session for who you are- no one fits into one puzzle piece, and that’s so freaking awesome! Flaunt who you are babes.

From Amy of Wilde Company

If you are scared about doing a boudoir shoot alone, you should consider doing one with your spouse! This can be a really fun and intimate activity for you and your spouse to experience together. And you will have keepsakes forever!

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