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Many couples are choosing to elope rather than having a large wedding for many reasons. We asked Julie from TN Tiny Weddings to give us the pros of eloping. Julie shared actual reasons from couples that eloped at TN Tiny Weddings and why they chose to! Keep reading on why you should elope.

We asked Julie from TN Tiny Weddings to give us the pros of eloping and she shared actually reasons that couples that eloped with them why they chose to! Keep reading on why you should elope.

Lessen Stress
Planning a huge, traditional wedding is probably one of the most stressful things that you will do in  your life. If you choose to elope this greatly lessens that stress and anxiety!
No Drama
Planning a wedding with many different guests, friends, family etc. can end up causing a lot of unwanted and unnecessary drama for you and your spouse. Which can in turn take away from what your big day is supposed to be about, THE TWO OF YOU! By eloping and just having the two of you or just a few family/friends, it takes that drama away!
Not Being the Center of Attention
Not everyone likes being the center of attention, so eloping is the perfect way to celebrate your love and union without having to be the center of attention.
There something so beautiful and intimate about eloping. With a lot of people involved in your big day it can become about a lot of other things that it shouldn’t.
Only Want Select People Involved or None
Some couples only have the desire to have a few select people in attendance to their wedding which is perfectly fine! Maybe you just want it to be you and your kids. Maybe you just want your parents there. You get to do your big day any way you want and have anyone you want there even if it’s just a few. If other people don’t like that, it’s okay. It’s not about them!
And maybe you just want it to be the two of you and that’s it. And that is perfectly okay too!!
No Guest List/Invitations/RSVPs
You don’t have to worry about coming up with a guest list, invitations, RSVPs etc which can be extremely stressful and take away from the feeling of getting married.
Almost Hassle Free
The less planning the better! By eloping you can take the stress of planning a large event and just enjoy the time of being engaged!
Your wedding can be one of the most expensive things that you will ever do in your life, but it doesn’t have to be. All couples are at different points in their lives and may not have the ability to spend a ton on a wedding, but still want to celebrate. Maybe you are expecting a baby, or buying a house, maybe you have student debt you want to pay off, etc. Eloping takes so much of the cost of a wedding off so that you can focus on more important expenses in your life. And you can still have the most fabulous wedding ever even if you do choose to elope!
Why You Should Elope - Hannah & Edward

The bottom line is that your big day is about YOU and your spouse. Everyone else’s opinions shouldn’t matter and you should do whatever you feel is the best for YOU!

To learn more about what TN Tiny Weddings has to offer for all your elopement needs visit their website!

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