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Writing you owns vows for your wedding can be a lot of pressure and stressful, but we are here to help! Here is a guide plus some tips for writing exceptional wedding vows.

Wedding Vows Outline
Tell Them How Much They Mean To You

Simply telling your spouse how much they mean to you is a great way to start or a great thing to incorporate into your vows. Simply saying “I love you” is enough.

Make Them Laugh

Speaking your vows out loud to a crown can be nerve racking so adding in a little humor is a great way to break the ice or the tension. Tell a funny story that happened between you two or add in a funny vow such as “I’ll love you even when you have morning breath” or something silly like that.

Don’t Go Generic

Writing your own vows is the best way to make your ceremony really personal and not the typical “for richer or poorer” if that’s not your style. Make vows that are specific to you and your relationship.

Let Them Know You Will Be There For Them

One of the most important parts of a marriage is having someone that is always there for you through it all. Let your spouse know sincerely that you will be there with them through whatever may come your way.

Thank Them

Finally, thank them. Thank them for choosing you, thank them for being there for you, thank them for being your best friend, etc!

Give Yourself Time

Don’t wait until the last minute to write your vows! You don’t want to be under too much stress and want to be able to properly articulate what you want to say to your spouse on your big day.

List the Main Points You Want to Make

Making a general outline is a great way to start writing you vows. Write down all the specific points that you know you want to make or any specific stories you want to tell or promises you want to make.

Don’t Overdo It

No one wants to be sitting at a wedding ceremony for 3 hours so don’t go too long on your vows. You don’t have to add every moment of your relationship, just hit the high points!

Tell Stories

If you are feeling stumped of what to write, telling stories is a great thing to incorporate! Tell some of your favorite times that you’ve shared together, or the moment you knew they were the one for you.


Lastly, practice, practice, practice! This is critically to make sure that your vows flow the way that you want them to when read aloud. Maybe read them to a friend so they can help to hear how they will actually sound. Definitely at least read them 3 or 4 times through before your big day so you are ready!

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