It’s true what they say, “when you marry someone you really marry their family”. Blending families is something that naturally happens when you join two people in matrimony. This could mean that you will serve as a hosting location for one or both of your families Thanksgiving festivities. This can be a big undertaking, so here are our best tips on hosting your first one:
Potluck vs Cooking
Figure out whether you want to do a potluck style meal (where everyone brings a dish to share) or whether you want to be doing most or all of the cooking. There are definitely benefits to both, but this needs to be the first deciding factor once you know that you are hosting. If you decide on a potluck maybe make a list of dishes that you would like people to choose from (just so people aren’t bringing the same things).
Make a Cooking Timeline
If you are planning to cook everything yourself it may be a good idea to make a cooking timeline since different dishes will take different amounts of time to prepare. Once you figure out all the dishes that you want to make try and nail down how much each dish will take and prepare your timeline accordingly. There are also some dishes that you could make the night before so that you have more time and energy to prepare the rest of the dishes the day of. Any prep you can do the night before will greatly help your stress level on your day of hosting!
Lunch vs Dinner
Deciding what time your meal will be will also effect your cooking timeline so this is important to note. If you are having a lunch meal you won’t have as much time than if you have a dinner meal so take this into account when planning.
Ask for Help
Even if you decide that you want to do the primary cooking it’s still okay to ask for help. Ask your new in-laws to come early and help, or a close friend. I’m sure that most of your love ones would be very gracious to lend a hand!
Having appetizers is a great way to entertain your guests if you are running a little behind on your meal. Having things out for people to nibble on while you are finishing everything up.
Using beautiful fall decor is a great way to impress your guests for your first hosting gig! Maybe some fun, fall florals or name cards to go with your tablescape.

The most important thing to do when hosting Thanksgiving (which can be very stressful) is just to have fun. Enjoy making memories with your new family and maybe have a glass of wine while you’re preparing!