So you have been bestowed the responsibility of throwing a loved one a bridal shower? Here are our best tips on planning a fantastic bridal shower event!
Pick A Date
The first thing you should do is pick a date. Talk with the bride and determine the best date that works for her. (Most bridal showers take place a few months before the wedding date).
Compile Guest List
The next order of business is to start building a guest list. You must decide if this is going to be a shower for friends, family or both. Some people choose to have multiple shower for different groups of people in their life. Talk to the bride and determine who will be invited to this event.
Will There Be A Theme?
Most bridal showers will have some sort of theme whether that be a color scheme or bigger motif. Examples of themes are vintage, country, rustic, modern, etc. Choosing a theme is important for future steps in planning.

Invitations should be sent out no later than 4 weeks from the shower to give time for people to plan. Make sure to include an RSVP so that you will know how many people to expect in attendance. Also, make sure to include the registry if the bride has one so that loved ones can bring gifts if they choose.
Invite by PaperKuts Studio
Food & Drink
Decided whether you want to cater the bridal shower for make the food yourself (or with the help of others). Some venues will require you to use their catering, or specific caterers. But it’s perfectly acceptable to prepare the meal yourself. Depending on what time the shower is you can serve breakfast, brunch, lunch or dinner food. You can have a buffet style or sit down meal or sometimes just appetizers are great too! Also determine whether there will be alcohol at the event, most venues require an ABC licensed bartender to serve alcohol. Mimosa bars are always a huge hit at bridal showers!
There are a ton of bridal shower games to choose from if the bride is into that. It is definitely a fun way of bringing people together for these events. You can play games that divide people into teams or games that go on throughout the shower. It’s up to you what kind of games the bride will enjoy! (If any at all)
Ask For Help
There is no shame in asking for help in planning such a large event for a friend or family member. Lean on the bridal party or family of the bride to help you if you need it.