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Updated – 5/222/2024

When executed perfectly, a wedding stands out as the ultimate celebration of love and commitment, surrounded by cherished friends and family. However, what often goes unmentioned is the significant impact the entire wedding planning process can have on enjoying your special day. From the initial showers to the lively bachelor/bachelorette parties, from the delectable cake tastings to the heartfelt groom’s dinner, one of the most crucial decisions following the selection of your life partner is choosing the perfect individuals to stand by your side in your wedding party. Your chosen party shares in the months-long journey with you, enhancing the joy, humor, thoughtfulness, and memories created along the way. Therefore, the selection should be made with careful consideration.

Before succumbing to the pressure of family expectations or sentimental ties, it’s important to understand the distinct roles and responsibilities of your groomsmen and best man. While you may have a friend capable of fulfilling the role of a best man alone, there’s inherent value in assembling a complete crew for your wedding day. To aid new grooms in this process, we’ve compiled a guide to help define wedding tasks and assemble the best crew possible for what promises to be the celebration of a lifetime.

Photo Credit: Rebecca Vaughan Photography
Choosing The Best Guy To Be Your Best Man

This role holds significant sway over your entire groom experience. You’re looking for someone who’s not just a friend but a steadfast supporter, believing wholeheartedly in your forthcoming marriage. They need to be reliable, punctual and possess strong planning skills. And let’s not forget the importance of their appearance – after all, those wedding photos are forever.

The bond between the groom and his best man often runs deep, built on years of shared experiences, inside jokes, and mutual understanding. Whether they’re brothers or lifelong friends, the best man is more than just a lead groomsman. They’re the groom’s right-hand person and the de facto leader of the groomsmen. They must be able to communicate effectively and rally the group to meet the couple’s expectations.

When choosing your best man, reliability is key. You want someone who’s been there for you through thick and thin, someone you can count on. Additionally, a positive attitude and strong communication skills are essential. Look for someone who knows you inside out, who’s been by your side through life’s ups and downs. Ultimately, the decision is yours, so don’t let others influence it. Choose someone who embodies the qualities you value most and who you know will stand by you on one of the most important days of your life.

Decor & Design: Romance & Rust; Photography: Heck Designs & Photography
Duties Of The Best Man
Lead The Rest Of The Groomsmen

As the best man, you’re the go-to person for the rest of the group regarding questions and concerns. It’s important to shield the groom from the nitty-gritty details; the best man should take this responsibility seriously. Some examples of tasks the best man should be capable of handling include coordinating payments for the bachelor party, organizing the timeline for wedding day photos, and ensuring timely suit pickups. Additionally, it’s your role to ensure groomsmen and ushers arrive punctually and are appropriately dressed. You’ll also need to brief the ushers on proper guest seating arrangements. Ultimately, the best man’s job is to enhance the groom’s experience by anticipating his needs and ensuring everyone fulfills their responsibilities smoothly.

Plan An Unforgettable Bachelor Party

Whether it’s organizing a long weekend getaway, visiting a local whisky distillery to indulge the groom’s passion, or curating the ultimate game night experience, the responsibility falls on your shoulders. While the groomsmen will undoubtedly support and contribute, the initial planning and decision-making lie squarely with you. It’s essential to clarify that each attendee is responsible for covering their own expenses during the bachelor party; this aspect does not fall under the purview of the best man’s duties.

Handle The Formalwear Process

The groom and best man work together to ensure the wedding aesthetic is flawlessly executed. Whether organizing suit or tuxedo rentals or purchases for the wedding party, the best man sets the example by attending fittings and ensuring payments are made on time. The groom trusts the best man to coordinate with the rest of the groomsmen so that the entire wedding party is styling and profiling.

Groom’s Right Hand Man

On the big day, the best man takes charge of setting the perfect atmosphere as the groom and groomsmen prepare. This involves ensuring the groom stays nourished and easing any pre-wedding jitters, perhaps even offering reassurance to the Mother of the Groom. Additionally, the best man acts as a liaison between the bride and groom, conveying messages and helping to coordinate memorable moments with the maid of honor, all contributing to a smooth and joyous celebration for the happy couple.

Keeper Of The Bride’s Ring

As the best man, it is your responsibility to ensure the safety of the bride’s ring. Find a secure location for the rings and thoroughly check to guarantee their safety. Additionally, if the ring bearer is involved in walking the rings down the aisle, it is the best man’s role to coordinate this hand-off with the processional to ensure a seamless transition.

Witness And Sign The Marriage License

As part of his responsibilities, the best man’s most official duty is witnessing and signing the marriage license, ensuring accuracy and proper signatures from all involved parties. Following the ceremony, the best man and maid of honor will formally witness the signing of the marriage license alongside the officiant, thus validating the marriage legally.

Give The Best Man Speech

The best man speech is a significant responsibility for all the best men. This moment is the highlight of the reception, eagerly anticipated by all. Imagine this: the clinking of glasses, the newlyweds sharing a kiss, the delicious meals served to guests, and then the spotlight shifts to you. Will your speech bring laughter? Will it push boundaries? Will it touch hearts? Or perhaps a bit of everything? The best man’s speech marks a pivotal moment in the reception, usually following the maid of honor’s address.

Chauffer To The Bride And Groom

If there’s no hired driver, the best man drives the bride and groom to the reception; he has the car ready for the couple to leave after the reception and may drive them to their next destination.

Guardian Of The Groom’s Attire

The best man is responsible for gathering and caring for the groom’s wedding clothes and returning any rental items.

What Are Groomsmen And How Do You Choose Them

While the best man is an integral part of the groomsmen, it’s essential to note that groomsmen aren’t synonymous with best men. Their roles share similarities, but the best man shoulders greater responsibilities. The primary duty of groomsmen is active participation!

Some perceive the groomsmen as aides to the best man, enabling them to better support the groom on his special day. The hierarchy is quite clear: groom, best man, groomsmen, and ushers—forming the frontline in ensuring the realization of your dream wedding.

Groomsmen are expected to attend the bachelor party, rehearsal, and dinner preceding the event. They should be prepared to fulfill various requests during wedding activities, from posing for pictures to participating in dance flash mobs, mingling with bridesmaids and new family members, and embracing every moment that signifies the union of two lives.

When selecting groomsmen, the quantity isn’t as important as choosing the right individuals who hold significance in your life. Even if the bride has a large party, prioritize those closest to you rather than matching numbers. Bridesmaids and groomsmen will be spending a significant amount of time together. When the couple is assembling their wedding party, it’s important to address any existing tensions between potential members. Transparent conversations should take place before making any commitments. It’s crucial to ensure that any conflicts between members don’t disrupt the harmony of the wedding festivities. While it’s tempting to choose the life of the party, it’s essential to balance fun-loving friends with responsible ones who contribute positively to your wedding experience. Ultimately, select groomsmen who bring value and meaning to your special day.

Decor & Design: Romance & Rust; Photography: Heck Designs & Photography
Duties Of Groomsmen And Ushers

Being chosen as a groomsman or usher is not just an honor; it comes with responsibilities that contribute to the smooth sailing of the wedding day. Here’s a comprehensive breakdown of the duties groomsmen and ushers typically undertake:

Attend The Bachelor Party

The bachelor party is a time-honored tradition for the groom-to-be to celebrate his last days of singledom with his closest friends. Groomsmen are expected to participate in organizing and attending this memorable event.

Contribute To The Groomsmen’s Gift To The Groom

As a token of appreciation for being part of the wedding party, groomsmen typically contribute to a collective gift for the groom. This gesture symbolizes camaraderie and friendship.

Lay The Aisle Runner Before The Processional, If One Is Used

If one is used, laying out the aisle runner is part of setting the stage for the bride’s grand entrance. Groomsmen may be tasked with this responsibility to ensure that everything is in place before the ceremony begins.

Greet Guests And Escort Them To Their Seats

Groomsmen and ushers play a crucial role in making guests feel welcome and comfortable. They greet attendees as they arrive and assist in escorting them to their designated seats.

Know The Seating Order

Familiarity with the seating plan is essential to guide guests to their assigned seats smoothly. Groomsmen should review any special seating arrangements, such as reserved seating for family members or VIP guests, beforehand.

Hand Each Guest A Program

If the couple opts to provide programs detailing the order of events, groomsmen may distribute them to guests as they arrive. This helps attendees follow along and understand the significance of each part of the ceremony.

Assist With Post-Ceremony Cleanup

After the ceremony concludes, groomsmen may assist in tidying up the venue. Tasks may include removing pew ribbons, closing windows, rerolling the aisle runner, and collecting any programs or articles left behind by guests.

Provide Assistance To Guests Needing Directions And Help

Groomsmen extend a helping hand to ensure all guests, whether unfamiliar with the area or facing mobility challenges, navigate to the reception venue smoothly. Offering directions and assistance, they prioritize the comfort and well-being of every attendee, ensuring a seamless transition to the celebration.

Dance With Various Guests During The Reception

As the celebration kicks into high gear at the reception, groomsmen are expected to hit the dance floor. Dancing with the bride, mothers, bridesmaids, and other single female guests adds to the festive atmosphere and creates lasting memories.

Coordinate The Return Of Rental Clothing

Once the festivities have concluded, groomsmen are responsible for promptly returning any rented attire. Coordinating this task with the head usher or best man ensures all rental items are returned on time.


Best man, groomsmen, and ushers all play pivotal roles in ensuring a smooth wedding day and creating cherished memories for guests. Their enthusiasm and attention to detail contribute significantly to the celebration of love between the newlyweds. Congratulations once again on having supportive friends eager to share in this milestone with you; it’s a true win-win situation! Take a moment to carefully consider your options and select individuals who genuinely resonate with you for your wedding crew. Remember, your special day should authentically reflect your unique identity and style.

Photo Credit: John Mark Art








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