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There are many reasons to have your wedding on a holiday, but there are also reasons not to. Here are some pros and cons to consider when you are contemplating having your wedding on a holiday or holiday weekend!

Extra Days
One great pro of having your wedding on a holiday is that it will give you and your guests extra time since most will be off work for the holiday. This is great if you wanted to get all your family and friends together for some extra time before or after the wedding too!
Special Pricing
Some vendors or venues may offer special pricing for holiday, especially if those holidays fall during the week. Some even have discounts for Sundays as well. Saving money is always a pro!
You’ll Never Forget Your Anniversary
If you end up getting married on a holiday I think it’s safe to say that you and others will never forget your anniversary date! That means when this holiday comes around every year you get double the fun!
Depending on the holiday, it may mean that you already have a theme pre-designed. This could help you save on decor and the stress of figuring out what theme you want.


Travel and Accommodations
For most weddings there will be at least a few guests who have to travel and find accomodations for the day or weekend. With it being on a holiday it could make this more difficult and sometimes more expensive for you and your guests.
Dedicated Family Time
Depending on the holiday this can mean that your guests may have already planned some family time making it hard to attend your wedding as well. This could limit your guest list considerably if many people already have plans. (This is why you should send save the dates out a good time in advance so people know to not make other plans!)
Holidays are Popular
Holidays are popular for weddings and just for festivities in general so this could make it difficult to find vendors or a venue to hold your wedding. This can just make the planning a little more stressful than it needs to be.

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